List of Articles

Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society. Vol. 27, No. 3, 2021

Slow Sync Image Synthesis from Short Exposure Flash Smartphone Images
단노출 플래시스마트폰 영상에서 저속 동조 영상생성
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):1-11.
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Motion Generation of a Single Rigid Body Character Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
심층 강화 학습을 활용한 단일 강체 캐릭터의 모션 생성
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):13-23.
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Improving Spatial Resolution in Real-time for Ultra-thin Light Field Cameras
초박형 라이트필드 카메라의 실시간 분해능 향상 알고리즘 개발
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):25-29.
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Deep Learning-Based Lighting Estimation for Indoor and Outdoor
딥러닝기반 실내와 실외 환경에서의 광원 추출
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):31-42.
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A Study on the Reduction in VR Cybersickness using an Interactive Wind System
Interactive Wind System을 이용한 VR 사이버 멀미 개선 연구
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):43-53.
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A Study on Movement Interface in Mobile Virtual Reality
모바일 가상현실에서의이동 인터페이스에 관한 연구
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):55-63.
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Progressive occupancy network for 3D reconstruction
3차원 형상 복원을위한 점진적점유 예측 네트워크
J Korea Comput Graph Soc 2021;27(3):65-74.
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